Aces always represent a new beginning in some form, and the Ace of Pills suggests a strongly positive one for you. Your life is about to enter a very productive period -- or at least a period which will see your work rewarded in good measure to the level of work you are willing to perform. This period will also see most of your relationship on stable ground, and, despite the hard work you may be doing, you will be very content with your situation.

The two is, as always, bound up in the forces of change, and of balance. Like its brothers, the II of Pentacles can mean good or ill, but it as a strong indicator that the status quo will be disrupted. There will be challenges in your future, but your fate is largely in your own hands in the sense that the final outcome depends own how you respond to these challenges. The suit of this card suggests your best outcome is one that can be reached through prudence and careful planning.

If you can maintain a clear sense of purpose over the coming months, you are well positioned to see you hard work get the recognition it deserves. It is not guaranteed, but if you maintain your own pace, and it may tax your interpersonal skills, as you will need to rely and trust on others for the best outcome. That outcome will be worth your determination, however, not only providing material reward, but leading to a sense of lasting accomplishment.

Perhaps through a gift or inheritance, or possibly through your own business acumen, you are on a path leading towards financial and material security. This will likely be a pleasant chapter of your life, wherein your emotional and spiritual needs are satisfied.

The Five of Pills can, depending on the rest of your spread, refer to financial matters, employment, or relationships. Unfortunately, it is a negative indicator for all of them, suggesting duplicity, loss of jobs, and the possibility of infidelity. This is a time for you to carefully evaluate what matters in your life and work out your priorities, such as whether your job or your relationship matters most. In order to mitigate the damage in some areas of your life, you may have to let some of the other fall away.

Success in your life is bound up to generosity. This may mean your prosperity will arise from your investment in others, perhaps a financial investment, or maybe advice and support for a friend. This card can also mean the reverse, that your success will arise from the generosity of someone else. The two are, of course, not exclusive, and drawing this card suggests you naturally lean towards benevolent acts and charity.

A balanced card by nature the Seven suggest you will avoid failure, but fall short of runaway success in an endeavour. Or, equally possible, that you will achieve your goals, but not in the time frame you had hoped for. You will face setbacks, and in order to succeed you will need to take care to avoid becoming too hesitant or timid. Progress may be slow or difficult, but it is possible.

If you are involved in any work requiring creative inspiration or craftsmanship, the VIII of Pentacles is a very positive card. This is doubly true if you are using skills you are still trying to master. This is as likely to be a hobby as your primary work. Unlike most of the suit, financial gain is not necessarily indicated, but a spiritual reward is. This is also not a guarantee, but rather a suggestion that if you are prudent and organized in your attempt, success is the likelier outcome.

The Nine of Pills represents significant financial reward, but one borne of hard work and careful planning on your part; a just reward for prudent actions. It may also indicate that a time of hardship for you is ending and a counter-balancing time of pleasant living is at hand. On a less positive note, it also indicates a solitary individual, so you may still be searching for companionship, and lack people to with whom share your gains.

Your financial security and emotional well-being are both positively indicated by the presence of this card in your spread. This is only partially your own doing, however, as these positive aspects are inextricably bound up in your close relationships with friends and family. It may also foretell an inheritance.

The Page is always an intellectual card, and the suit of Pentacles is traditionally associated with introspection and conscientiousness, which may form the basis of your own personality. When acting as a portent, the Page brings good tidings for you or young people close to you, likely in academic or financial fields.

The Knight of Pills symbolizes the virtues of patience, honour, and dependability, and his presence in your spread may indicate you, too, possess these traits. An alternative traditional view is that he represents a young man, a dependable bearer of good news who will soon enter your life.

The Queen is a card steeped in the tradition of family, and reflects a person, usually a woman, who is financially adroit, and possess a very pragmatic, practical, nature. This person will come to your aid in some financial matter, most likely advice on how to better manage your money.

The King of Pills embodies the mature and dependable aspects of maturity. Anyone represented by this card is tied to success and status. While it may refer to your own characteristics, the Kings most often stand in for other people in your life who can aid you. You can expect this person to value prudence of intelligence, and, if it represents an event, it may be a financial windfall or promotion.