Boi Boy’s Hole
Vacant Farm. Kansas City, MO.
BOIBOY presents HOLE, a one night only event. The objective of HOLE is to capture the essence of the club scene in New York in the late 1980’s and 1990’s. With references to the narrative and character tropes of coming-of-age high school movies. BOIBOY will be creating The space will be filled with surrealistic large scale tactile installations as well as objects that play on personal symbolism relating to catholic iconography. Using projected video and lighting design to define the environments, leading the audience through the narrative of the space. This body of work comes from a fascination with the moment right as you wake up from of dream. That brief second when you have one hand in reality and one in you subconscious. You are blissfully unaware of what happened yesterday and what you have to do today. For a moment you are conscious and aware of your own dream like state, that soon becomes a fleeting memory. HOLE is this highly stylized performative environment that will allow for the absurdity of a dream to exist in reality. The hope is that this experiential environment will allow members of the audience to dissociate from the tangible existence and live in a dream, if only for a night. The layout of the space and decision making of the characters that inhabit it are specifically referencing the coming of age narrative structure “Down the Rabbit Hole”. The aesthetics of the installation are based of of BOIBOY’s color theory and symbolism that was visualized in their tarot cards. The show is an experiment into forced collaboration, experiential environments as well as stepping stone for later collaborative performances that address similar issues.